File Description
Minimum required to install it:
- PSP-1000 or PSP-2000 (except TA-088v3)
- CF-A 5.50GEN
- Copy the 5.50-folder-update genb in PSP / GAME
- Start the application
* The bug that prevented disabling the VSH Menu has been resolved.
* The select button can either start the Recovery (Recovery in VSH), the VSH Menu (default) or do nothing at all (for those who use the remote play between PSP and PS3)
* Updated network off M33
* Evangelion Jo can be launched.
* Pandorisation options are available in the VSH menu and Recovery
* Option Flash1 Format: adding a check that prevents the Flash1 format if it is in the VSH.
* 3 new functions in the VSH Menu
o Shutdown device (turn off)
o Make Normal Battery (Replace the battery in standard mode)
o Make Pandora Battery (pandorise battery)
Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B.rar
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